It was a good 4th. I really have to say it, though. I am not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I have some time off coming later in the month (and that will be super good), but I could use another week to lay low. Mental note: remember that you think you should take the week after the fourth off...2010, as you might remember good readers, is going to rock. I will have all the things in life figured out and be prepared to execute.
It wouldn't be so insane at the office if it wasn't for ARRA - that's the stimulus package for those of you who don't regularly read the Federal Register. Unfortunately, I do. Well, fortunately. I am so lucky. I LOVE..almost job. Clearly, it's a Sunday night and my head is doing its normal things...getting me ready to talk about "meaningful use" and appropriate change management. I all to often say that I want to clone myself...but I think I want to pull that card tonight. I want one Devon to stay home and the other to go pioneer new solutions for health care providers nationwide.
I leave you with this:
It's the cake that Alix made for the "Boys of Summer" birthday celebration last night. Boom.
1 comment:
Best. Cake. EVER.
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